Student Transition in Education Paths
Erasmus+ 2019-1-EL01-KA201-062484

About S.T.E.P "Student Transition in Education Paths”
The project is implemented by a consortium formed by seven institutions from Austria, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Spain and Turkey, led by Directorate of Primary Education of Thesprotia from Greece.
A successful transition to primary schools guarantees academic success, personal and social development and eventually future prosperity for all pupils.
The consortium has designed this project to collect transition practises from various countries, compare them and select the best practices. It is planned to achieve this aim by involving pre-primary and primary schools of both typical and special needs education and promote cooperation between kindergartens and primary schools via common actions, events and activities. The project will engage local institutions from the participating countries psychologists, parents’ associations, school counsellors and teachers.
The project will be carried out via six learning/teaching/training activities and three transnational project meetings.
Students will be involved in interesting and original activities, learn how to adjust to a new environment and help other pupils adjust to a new educational environment, establish a positive start in the new school, and raise their interest to other countries, cultures, customs and traditions.
The project results are: a multilinguistic book on transition practices, an e-Twinning project, questionnaires to investigate transition practices among the partner countries and a booklet about children’s skills and a plurilingual e-book with fairy tales from all partner countries.
S.T.E.P is a Strategic Partnerships for school education project, under the strand Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for school education financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission.
Learning and Teaching and Training and Project meetings
The project will be carried out via six learning/teaching/training activities and three transnational project meetings in the eight partner countries. The participants in these activities will be teachers/educators who work in these organizations and are interested in the issue of transition.
A total number of 16 teachers/educators will take part in five of the six LTT activities and 14 teachers/educators in the last LTT activity, whereas two people from each organization/school will participate in the transnational project meetings.
During training activities teachers will take part in tasks that will give them the opportunity to experience teaching in other countries, share and exchange their ideas with European colleagues and be informed about the education systems in partner- countries.
A multi-lingual book about transition practices used in pre-primary and primary schools in the partner countries.
A booklet about children’s skills and competences which are
needed for children to attend school.
A plurilingual e-book with fairy tales from all partner countries.
16 lessons
24 hours open
Free of charge
Discover the content in 'Results' tab
Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, and gain experience abroad.
Set to last until 2020, Erasmus+ doesn’t just have opportunities for students. Merging seven prior programmes, it has opportunities for a wide variety of individuals and organisations.
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